Who We Are
Founded in 2019, the Maine Jobs Council advocates for economic prosperity for all by promoting the attraction, growth and preservation of foundational jobs in Maine. Our work is dedicated to improving economic conditions in Maine today and for the benefit of generations to come.
Leadership Team & Values
The Maine Jobs Council is a statewide, nonpartisan, member-driven advocacy organization of over 200 business leaders representing sectors across Maine’s economy, including agriculture, forestry, manufacturing, fishing & aquaculture, construction, transportation, tourism & hospitality, and energy & utilities. We are dedicated to building economic prosperity for all by and promoting the attraction, growth and preservation of foundational jobs in Maine.
History & Mission
The Maine Jobs Council has one simple mission: Advocate for economic prosperity by promoting the attraction, growth and preservation of foundational jobs in Maine. We are a statewide, nonpartisan, member-driven advocacy organization. Our history and mission drive us in our daily work.
MJC Core Principles
All Maine Jobs Council (MJC) policies are in support of the attraction, growth and preservation of foundational jobs.
About MJC
Founded in 2019, the Maine Jobs Council has been advocating for economic prosperity by promoting the attraction, growth and preservation of foundational jobs in Maine. This we believe is for the benefit of generations to come.
We are a statewide, nonpartisan, member-driven advocacy organization of over 200 business leaders throughout several sectors across Maine.
Our members are Mainers who care about Maine’s future and recognize the importance of foundational sectors like:
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Energy & Utilities
- Fishing & Aquaculture
- Forestry
- Manufacturing
- Tourism & Hospitality
- Transportation
All Maine Jobs Council (MJC) policies are in support of the creation and maintenance of foundational jobs, and the development of a strategic plan to achieve economic growth.
- Support the creation and maintenance of Foundational Jobs.
- Maine needs a comprehensive plan.
- Organization and management
- Communications
- Advocacy
- Low cost dues
- High impact membership with important value
Creation Of Foundational Jobs
- Foundational jobs are those that add new value or bring revenue into Maine. They include Agriculture, Construction, Energy & Utilities, Fishing & Aquaculture, Forestry, Manufacturing, Tourism & Hospitality, Transportation, new 21st century businesses, and any entity that sells out of state. Foundational jobs support both the services and public sectors and thus are the primary engine of a healthy economy.
- Foundational jobs are the primary way we pay for government services at the local and state levels through the taxes they generate.
- Foundational jobs are dependent on investment, risk takers, innovators and entrepreneurs, as well as dedicated, hard-working and properly trained workers. Maine’s public policies should create and foster an environment that attracts investment and prepares workers for 21st century foundational jobs.
Maine Needs A Comprehensive Strategic Plan
- Proper training of Maine’s workforce requires a comprehensive educational plan that meets the needs of the 21st century economy and integrates education at all levels and ages (K-12, community colleges, apprenticeships, internships, UMaine, private colleges, and adult education). Maine needs an increased focus on the skills needed by those who are not going to four-year colleges.
- Maine has to win the competition for jobs and investment with other states. Today, Maine is not competitive with other states and regions that are also working to attract investment, jobs and talent. Maine’s overall costs for taxes, energy, and health care should be competitive with the New England states, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland.
- Maine needs to develop and follow a long term strategic plan that supports foundational jobs by incorporating these principles to create jobs and a tax base that works for all Mainers.