High-quality foundational jobs aren’t just important for our economy. They sustain families and communities. Foundational jobs are important to everyone. That’s why the Maine Jobs Council advocates on behalf of Mainers’ collective interests. MJC meets and communicates with all levels of government within the state, with our colleague organizations in Maine, and with representatives of foundational jobs sectors. In so doing we advance the vision of a thriving, prosperous economic culture that improves the quality of life for Mainers.
Past advocacy work by MJC has led to such notable achievements such as the… Advocacy priorities are determined through ongoing discussion at regular meetings and MJC’s annual meeting.
MJC’s advocacy is most effective as the advocacy voice of Mainers who provide and work in foundational jobs. We are stronger together. If you are not already a member of MJC and believe in the importance of foundational jobs, join the MJC. If you wish to support MJC’s advocacy outside of membership, consider donating to the MJC.
Maine Jobs Council
1015 Main Street
Readfield, ME 04355
Phone: (480) 901-6400
Fax: (480) 901-6403
The Maine Jobs Council has one simple mission: Advocate for economic prosperity by promoting the growth and maintenance of foundational jobs in Maine. We are a statewide, nonpartisan, member-driven advocacy organization.
© 2024 Maine Jobs Council. All Rights Reserved.